$(document).ready(function () { $(':input:text:first').focus(); $(':input:enabled').addClass('enterIndex'); // get only input tags with class data-entry textboxes = $('.enterIndex'); // now we check to see which browser is being used if ($.browser.mozilla) { $(textboxes).bind('keypress', CheckForEnter); } else { $(textboxes).bind('keydown', CheckForEnter); } }); function CheckForEnter(event) { if (event.keyCode == 13 && $(this).attr('type') != 'button' && $(this).attr('type') != 'submit' && $(this).attr('type') != 'textarea' && $(this).attr('type') != 'reset') { var i = $('.enterIndex').index($(this)); var n = $('.enterIndex').length; if (i < n - 1) { if ($(this).attr('type') != 'radio') { NextDOM($('.enterIndex'),i); } else { var last_radio = $('.enterIndex').index($('.enterIndex[type=radio][name=' + $(this).attr('name') + ']:last')); NextDOM($('.enterIndex'),last_radio); } } return false; } } function NextDOM(myjQueryObjects,counter) { if (myjQueryObjects.eq(counter+1)[0].disabled) { NextDOM(myjQueryObjects, counter + 1); } else { myjQueryObjects.eq(counter + 1).trigger('focus'); } }